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Internal family Systems

“We often find that the harder we try to get rid of emotions and thoughts, the stronger they become.” ― Richard D Schwartz.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) approach to healing has been endorsed by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a prominent global expert in trauma, as “the treatment method that all clinicians should know to treat clients effectively.” Dr. Gabor Maté, another well-known trauma expert, has even incorporated IFS into his own training program.

The basis of the IFS Model is that people are naturally comprised of different ‘Parts’. For instance, when deciding whether to attend a party, you might have a part that is excited about meeting new people, another part that is concerned about what to wear, one that would prefer an early night.

Everyone also has an inner wisdom, or ‘Self’, in addition to parts.

Self Energy is Characterised by the 7 C’s and 5 P’s.

The 8 C’s

  • Calm,
  • Curiosity
  • Compassion
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Clarity
  • Connectedness
  • Creativity

The 5 P’s

  • Patience
  • Presence
  • Perspective
  • Perseverance
  • Playfulness
The Self naturally leads the entire system. In a state of ‘Self-leadership,’ all parts can relate to the Self and serve as resources for it, leading to a balanced and harmonious system.

Unfortunately, most of us were not raised in a way that nurtured our true self to lead our system. Consequently, our different parts become overwhelmed, leading some to be pushed into exile and others to take on protective roles. These young exiled parts are effectively frozen in time and are kept out of our awareness, often because they carry misdirected self-blame and painful beliefs like: “I’m not good enough”, “I’m bad”, “I am worthless”, “I am unlovable”, “I will be abandoned”, “I don’t deserve happiness”.

In this short interview with its creator, Richard Schwartz, he explains the basic concept, and demonstrates a guided visualisation that you can try yourself, to give you a taste of what IFS is all about.

In an effort to block these painful beliefs, protective parts adopt behaviours like perfectionism, hypervigilence, depression, dissociation, chronic self-criticism, relationship issues, addictive behaviours, obsessive behaviours, self-harm and suicidal ideation.

These Protectors stick around from our past experiences, even when the threats they protected us from are long gone. They mean well, but they can make us feel like we’re not good enough or that bad things will happen to us, jostling for power within the system, which leads to internal conflicts and an unbalanced system lacking harmony.

Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, we aim to counteract this dynamic by nurturing Self-energy. From this place of strength, we engage in a compassionate dialogue with protective and exiled parts, gradually releasing their burdens, restoring equilibrium to the system.

Contact me

To arrange a free 15 minute Zoom consultation, please message me via the form letting me know your availability and I will get back to you to arrange a good time. Alternatively, you can email or phone me. If I am unavailable, please leave me a message including when is best to call you back.

Email me:

Phone me:
07405 855 419

I aim to respond to enquiries within 48 hours, Mon-Fri between 10am and 7pm. If you are experiencing emotional overwhelm, please see my Resources & Helplines page.


I currently meet with clients via Zoom only. To get the most out of our sessions, you can view and download my Practical guide to online therapy.

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Please note that I only work with people over 18
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